Contact your Local Service
Our services are managed locally by our team of Local Services Managers and Case Managers. To find the contact details for your local service, click on the county or area closest to you.
On With Life: Programme for Families and Carers
Dolores Gallagher, Facilitator
t: +353 86 010 2361
Available nationwide
Step Ahead Plus, return to work or education
Emer Duffy, Programme Manager/Senior Occupational Therapist
t: +353 86 603 7353
Available nationwide
Services in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon
Unfortunately we are not currently funded to provide most of our rehabilitation services in Galway, Mayo or Roscommon. If you are living in these areas and seeking support for yourself or a loved one with brain injury, we suggest contacting your local HSE Disability Service, or Quest Services.