Assisted Living
Our Assisted Living services support brain injury survivors to live barrier free, maximising their independence within the community where they feel at home.
Most brain injury survivors lived normal, everyday lives until they were impacted by a sudden head trauma, such as a stroke, fall or road traffic accident.
As a result of their injury, many survivors experience additional support needs, some of them physical, others affecting their emotions, thinking or behaviour.
These dramatic changes can make it challenging for the person to return home following their discharge from hospital, due to a lack of accessibility or specialised brain injury support. The alternative can be a long hospital stay, a nursing home, or reliance on family members unable to manage effectively within their home.

That’s why Assisted Living is so vitally important.
In our Assisted Living houses, four to six survivors of brain injury live together in a safe environment where they are respected, given personal responsibility, and access to our specialist brain injury rehabilitation teams on a 24/7 basis. Residents live within vibrant communities where they play an active role and are encouraged to access local amenities, including libraries and leisure facilities.
The houses are completely accessible, designed and operated to maximise the independence of each individual, while also fostering a sense of inclusion and togetherness. Residents have the autonomy to engage in their own personal care, cookery and home management, personal and household finances. They each have their own bedroom and share a kitchen, living room and dining facilities. These shared spaces promote social skills and communication between residents, and staff.
The ultimate goal of our Assisted Living service, as with all the support we provide, is for residents to live a life less dependent on ongoing medical, occupational and psychological support.
We currently have 16 Assisted Living services located in counties across Ireland.
Accessing Our Services
Learn more about how to access our Assisted Living and other brain injury support services.