On With Life Men’s Support Group With Dr. Eddie Murphy & Dr. Noel Richardson

Date 16 May 2023
Time 7:30pm
Location Online, Zoom
Register Now

Are you the father, brother, uncle, grandfather, carer, or son of a loved one with brain injury? We would like to invite you to join our Men’s Support Group with Dr Eddie Murphy and Dr, Noel Richardson, as part of our On With Life Carers and Families programme.

Caring for a loved one with an acquired brain injury can often present challenges. It can help to talk to others in similar situations.

Our On With Life Carers and Families programme offers an online support group specifically for Men, usually hosted and facilitated by Dr Eddie Murphy. For this event, Dr, Noel Richardson will also be joining us. Noel has extensive experience in the area of men’s health at a research, policy and advocacy level. He has been a strong advocate for men’s health over many years and is a board member of the Men’s Health Forum in Ireland.

Our support groups are a safe space for you to ask questions, hear from and speak with others. You are not required to share, but it might help if you do!

To register your interest in our Men’s Support Group, get in touch with Dolores, Facilitator – On With Life Carers and Families programme.

Email Dolores to Register Now

Who can attend the Support Groups?

Any man who is caring for or living with a loved one with an acquired brain injury is very welcome to attend.

Does the On With Life programme offer other support groups?

Yes, On With Life offer general support groups for anyone living with a loved one with brain injury. To find out more, get in touch with Dolores by email: dgallagher@abiireland.ie.

To keep up-to-date with other On With Life events, join our members’ On With Life Facebook Group.

Join the Group Now

How do I join the Men’s Support Group?

To register your interest in attending the support group, email Dolores at dgallagher@abiireland.ie. You will then be provided with a link to join the group online, via Zoom.

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